Sunday, January 22, 2017

5 Scrum Values : Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect and Courage (CFORC,C4C)


  • Commitment => Dedication => Hard work => Passionate => Happy and Successful.
  • Scrum team is made up of self-organizing Development Team members, Scrum Master and Product Owner. All collaborates but no one  controls. In this scenario, self COMMITMENT plays crucial role.
  • Commitment is the key element of success for high performing teams.
  • Committed teams emit positive energy which reflects on their attitude and productivity.


  • Being Focused means you are working towards the GOAL. Constantly generate value to keep Customer happy and satisfied.
  • Your mind (Conscious as well as Subconscious) is thinking about HOW to achieve the GOAL.
  • It brings out Creativity. Many of "out-of-box" and disruptive idea comes from being Focused.
  • Delivering working product each iteration is not easy. Fully Focused Scrum Teams can plan well ahead. They will be able to Inspect and Adapt to the changing situations effortlessly. They will be more AGILE.


  • Openness, Fully Transparent, NO Secretes, NO office politics, NO back stabbing.
  • Be Open about your capabilities, constructive 360 degree feedback, keep an Open mind about new ideas, new way of thinking.
  • Actual status of the development is visible to all stakeholders. Team members willingly collaborates to generate maximum value.
  • Impediments are also made visible, so fast actions can be taken.
  • Bottom-up and cross-functional information flow will improve organizational productivity.
  • It brings out TRUST between each other and strengthen bonds to work as single unit.


  • Respect can't be WON, it MUST be EARNED. It's a core principle at Servant Leadership management style of Scrum Framework.
  • Scrum teams are formed with cross-functional members having multiple competences.
  • They all SHOULD Respect each others expertise and point-of-view to work as a cohesive unit.
  • Management and Stakeholders SHOULD Respect Product Owner (PO) for his decisions for maximizing Product profitability and Development Teams productivity.
  • Scrum Master SHOULD be trusted and respected for implementing Scrum rules and guidelines at every level of the organization for maximum benefits.
  • Development teams SHOULD  be respected for their ability to produce working Product at end of each iteration.


  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston S. Churchill
  • Give your best, Inspect the results, Adapt to improve....and do it again!
  • Have the Courage to share your knowledge, to ask for help without hesitance, to try new ideas without fear of being criticized and to oppose when you don't agree.
  • Constructive criticism is healthy for the progress. It brings out best and brightest ideas.
  • Have the Courage to say NO to Product Owner, when s/he tries to give more User Stories for the Sprint.
  • Have the Courage to say NO to people, who asks you to do additional work out of Sprint.
  • Have the Courage to delay the Release, if Quality of the Product is not meeting the Acceptance Criteria or Definition of Done.
  • Have the Courage to respect Time-box boundaries, which will improve team morale.

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