Saturday, January 21, 2017

Definition of Done Vs. Acceptance Criteria

Definition of Done

=> Applies to Product Backlog Items (PBIs)
=> Creates Transparency and Robustness
=> Improves Quality of Development

Acceptance Criteria

=> Specific to Individual User Story
=> PASS or FAIL criteria provided by Product Owner/Customer

 Definition of Done (DoD)

  • Set of ground rules, which applies to Product Backlog Items (PBIs)
  • They should be developed by centralized Scrum body at organization level to be implemented for Scrum projects. 
  • If no such rules are present at organization level then Development Team should create for the project and collaborate with Product Owner. Scrum Master should facilitate and provide guidance.
  • DoDs are mutually agreed by Scrum Team.
  • DoD creates transparency within Scrum Team about actual progress of the development. Anyone can evaluate HOW much work has been completed and WHAT needs to be done to complete the User Story.
  • DoD provides guidance to the Development Team about the list of tasks must be performed to complete the User Story.
  • During Review meeting Product Owner checks completeness of a User Story by comparing with DoD before announcing it as Done.
  • DoD are used to improve Quality and robustness of the development.
  • It helps Development Team to improve Velocity and improves overall productivity.
  • During team Retrospective meeting, DoD can be reevaluated and modified as per the needs to improve development quality. Inspect and Adapt!

Acceptance Criteria

  • Acceptance Criteria are the rules / limitations / wish lists given by the customer to Product Owner for that specific User Story. Those are the NEED of the market for that product / functionality.
  • They are an important part of a User Story writing.
  • They are specific to each individual User Story.
  • Product Owner MUST write/provide Acceptance Criteria for a User Story before it gets selected into Sprint by Development Team.
  • It provides clear distinction between IN Scope and Out of Scope parameters for a User Story.
  • Acceptance Criteria are generally used to develop Test Cases, Use Acceptance Cases.
  • If Development Team's code fails to pass the Acceptance Criteria, then Product Owner / Customer won't consider User Story as complete.                            

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